Disciplining Children & Energy Imprints

I read your blogs on depression, and it was enlightening to understand how energy from a long-ago event can affect us on an on-going basis. I need to discipline my children, but I also don’t want to cause issues for them later. What’s the best way of doing that?

When you discipline a child, the goal is to energetically imprint within them a lesson, not a blockage. I want to state upfront that it's impossible to know what any moment is going to bring – it is not something you can ever control. We’re lucky if we can understand 5% of what is happening at any given moment in regard to energy, much less fully understanding another person’s mind, especially when we can’t fully understand our own.

When you are in the presence of children, become focused on being compassionate with them and not carrying within yourself a mean vibration. It also helps if you can understand where their minds are at. In most cases, when children are playing, they are in a state of joy. Their focus on that joy can be absolute and quite blind to everything else around them. When a child is in a state of joy and that joy is disrupted when sudden and harsh energy is unexpectedly directed at them, the vibration of that harsh energy is then embedded within their being.

This happens for different reasons, but the number one reason is that the negativity came on very suddenly and unexpectedly, and therefore, no defense is set up against it. Additionally, when the energy is loud in volume, it only serves to embed it deeper. As I’ve mentioned in a previous blog on depression, using the example of a father yelling at his child because toys were left on the floor, children will keep that harsh energy alive within their being by attempting to figure out the reason WHY the event happened. If a conclusion is reached, they remember the reason and keep that vibration alive in their body because they don't want the experience of being yelled at again.

Take, for example, the little boy with the blocks; depending upon the circumstances, he may conclude he can’t play with his toys or dad will yell at him. He’ll play with the toys when dad isn’t there, but he’ll always be on guard for dad to show up. The child will not enjoy playing with his toys and lose an expression in relationship to freely playing and educating himself through that play. His reaction will be to diminish that part of himself and then utilize that time and part of the energy to be on guard.

Screaming or yelling at a child is simply going to imprint a blockage that will vibrate in them for most of their life, even if it's in the background. (The same thing occurs with an adult, but the younger you are, the embedded frequency has more potential to become part of your personality.) When this child becomes an adult and sees that form of harshness, either they become that harsh themselves, or they will be deeply offended and hurt. The latter can cause an adult to always practice the vibrations of rejection and/or depression. Of course, this all depends on the child and the energy weather going on inside of him or her. As I’ve stated at the beginning of this blog, it’s impossible to understand even 5% of what is happening with energy and another person’s mind. With this in mind, the best way to discipline a child is to get their attention first, doing it gently rather than abruptly. Speak to them with some firmness and command but without yelling. Start out with a soft voice. You can say, “Hey, don’t do that”, or “Stop doing what you’re doing and listen. Look at me.” Get their attention. It's all about the intensity and the tone; you can be firm and loving at the same time. Then calmly explain to them why they shouldn’t do what they’re doing. By doing so, you can then imprint upon them a lesson.

Even if you suddenly snap at a child, there is a way to prevent the energy from embedding a frequency that terrorizes them. Recognize that you have done wrong, and once you have chilled out, sit down with the child. Apologize to him or her and say, "I'm really sorry I was so agitated with you. It's not your fault. I'm having a rough day today." Then ask the child to forgive you. Explain why you were concerned about what they were doing and why. Every child instinctively has the idea embedded within their cellular structure that adults are their teachers. So, if you can manage to get the child's attention, you can then nurture the idea in their cellular structure that you are their teacher. After that, when you want them to listen to you, they will pay attention instead of ignoring you.

If you yell at children, more than half of them will develop an energy blockage and will block you out; or it will become the opposite, and they will be afraid of you and continually doubt their actions. Neither scenario is healthy for the child (or you). Either way, they will never respect you. There is no animal on earth that stays with its parent as long as the human, and that's for a reason: we have to be able to discipline our children; otherwise, our giant brains can cause a lot of danger and a lot of destruction. The connection that the adult is the teacher needs to be made early with the child, even before they’re three years old. Yes, you need to let children have free imagination, but the idea of letting them do what they want is out of whack. When you see children doing something that’s disrespectful to others or potentially dangerous to themselves or others, you need to step in and teach them. There are too many parents who are convinced that "my child is wise and smart." Yes, they are smart, but they still need adults to guide them. When you fail to enforce rules with children, it causes other problems such as not respecting elders or society, and you risk turning your kid into a sociopath.

On the other hand, if the adult is always terrified of their actions, they will create a vibration that is not beneficial to anyone in their environment. You shouldn't apologize to your child every day. You also don’t want to start projecting the perception that every problem a child has is because of the action of a parent because that’s not true either. A child can have a lifelong energy imprint from something scary they saw on a television show, or it could be something shocking they heard from a friend (even though the other child wasn’t trying to be bad). Once again, it all depends on the energetic weather of the child and what point they are at in their lives. The child may be super-sensitive for a few weeks where everything affects them, or it can depend on their nutritional intake and resulting state of mind. So many factors are involved in the energetic weather inside of us - and like the weather outside, you can’t stop it from taking place.

Simply put, what you should try to do is teach your child at an early age how to communicate. But that means you, as the adult, need to learn how to communicate as well. Unfortunately, as a society, we are not as evolved as we think we are. We are just beginning to move in a more compassionate direction.